Thursday, November 15, 2012

My New Holiday Tags

I've started making all my necessities for the holidays, like these tags.......
You probably know by now that I recycle journals, cards and other paper goods from file folders, cereal boxes etc., right? So I just made a bunch of pocket notebooks which I blogged about several days ago.

Well, from the scraps that I had left over from the notebooks, I made bookmarks (which I'll be showing you in the coming days) and from the scraps left over from the bookmarks, I made these gift tags.

I know....I know....I'm a pack rat and a gatherer. I am a gatherer of things I know I can turn into other things, but luckily I am a neat/organized type of gal, so though I gather, things are neatly stored and everything is in its place..... but I digress.

Aaaaaaanyway, I made these tags for my family and I to put on our holiday gifts. Remember those stamps that I made very recently? Well, I put them to good use on these packaging tags. Plus, I made a couple more stamps with the holiday theme.

Since the tags are made from scraps, the sizes are willy-nilly; no rhyme, no reason, no measuring. I just needed them to be even.  So I cut them with a paper cutter, stamped them with my fun, new stamps, punched holes in the tops with a hole puncher and strung them with cotton string. Oh, and I stamped the letters "to" and "from" at the top and bottom.

I even got a little fancy-schmancy with them by rounding the corners of the tags with my handy-dandy-rounded-corner-paper-puncher and voila' - packaging tags all ready for my holiday packages.  I can't wait to use them!  And by the way, I luuuuuvvv my rounded-corner-paper-puncher. Love that thing!  :)

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