Friday, January 4, 2013

Natural Hair Art Project by Tracy Viverretta

Today is Week #1 of my new year-long art project called the Natural Hair Art Project....
Spawned by a love of natural hair, I've created this project via my daily blog, One Brown Crafter, as a reflection of that love. So every Friday for 52 Fridays, I'll be showing a new piece of work over at OBC.
Yup! 52 Weeks of Natural Hair Art!

The work will include, but not be limited to: 

-mixed media
-hand lettering
-plush art
-all kinds of crafts
-anything else I can conjure up

And most pieces will be put up for sale in the OBC shop. I hope you like this first piece and stay tuned every Friday for so much more to come.  :)

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