Friday, March 1, 2013

An Artist's Inspiration......

I'm often asked where I get inspiration from......
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I guess my answer to that would be everywhere. What I have here is a bunch of things that I pulled out of my supplies because they spoke to me. I have a stash of assorted what-nots, whatsie-hoosies, bits and bobs, things I've doodled or stamped, papers I've saved, etc. 
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  Back in the day, I used to throw things away. If I doodled something and didn't like it, it went in the gahr-bahg. Those days are g.o.n.e.
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I've become a recycling fiend since then and these days, I keep practically eeeeeverything because at some point, I will find a use for it - and those moments are sweet!
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 Speaking of finding uses for things, do you see that pink button in the last photo below? I have yet to find the special project that is deserving of that glorious button. The thing is this: I Love That Button!
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You can't see the details and how it has a nutmeggy brown woven into it. Every time I look at that button I swoon. Seriously! And there have been many things I almost used it for and then changed my mind. I love giving away things that I make to people I love, but nobody is getting that button! I have decided not to give it away - to use it to make something for myself, but I still haven't figured out what that something is going to be.
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Anyhoo, these little trinkets are what's currently inspiring me.  Have a swoonalicious-nutmeg-and-pink-buttony-love-filled-weekend Tracyvillagers!  :P

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