Friday, May 3, 2013

Handmade Multicultural Plush Dolls - Encore!

My handmade doll chronicles continue with these sweetums (Series #3)....
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I've been happily catching up on things that have been on my to-do list for some time.....
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That's why you see all the new dolls, tutorials, and illustrations. Yay!
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Making all this new stuff is like party time for me!
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These girls are all handmade from recycled fabrics.
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I have no idea why I didn't include all the body parts in these shots. It's been a hectic week, my studio is bedlam and I just grabbed what I grabbed when it occured to me to take a shot. That's what's up with these last 3 shots. :o
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Oh, and this general muffler thingy you see to the side of this doll is what I was going to make her legs out of, but I changed my mind. It's part of a t-shirt by the way. It really popped when I held it up to her body and now I wish I had gone with my original choice and used it. No worries. These babies are going to go through another revision anyway. That's how it goes with handmade goodies. You also have to be the product testing department. Ha!


  1. These are so cute! If I had a child, I would totally get one.

  2. Thanks Annah. Glad you like them!
