Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Me + Craftypod = Image-Only Interview (Yay!)

I'm so excited to be featured on the iconic site, Craftypod today. These are the images I used for the interview......
 Craftypod Interview
What are you thinking about most in your creative life these days?

Craftypod Interview
What colors show up again and again in your work?

Craftypod Interview
If you had to choose one thing you’ve made that exemplifies your creative style, what would it be?

Craftypod Interview
What does a creative challenge look like for you?

Craftypod Interview
If you had one creative wish for everyone, what would it be?

Craftypod Interview
Any advice on keeping creativity flowing, even when life gets busy?

Craftypod is a huge, well-known craft site headed up by sweetybird Diane Gilleland who's written books, hosted podcasts, been featured in books and is just huge in the Indie Craft Community. I'm also proud that in all the time she's been doing her 'Image-Only Interview', my interview is the first that is completely illustrated. It's cool being the first (hee hee). Anyway, you guys can check it out here. You can also click on the above illustrations and they will lead you to the answers for each illustration on my Flickr page. It's a very cool concept she's come up with. Enjoy everybody and have a terrific Tuesday!

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