Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Upcyclery: Jean Jacket + Patch = Bohemian Goodness

This tattered old jean jacket needed a pick-me-up........

So I'm beginning its pick-me-up journey with this t-shirt patch.

Here's the scoop on the jean jacket: number 1) I love it, number 2) someone very special gave it to me waaaay back in the day, number 3) I love it, number 4) I will never get rid of it even it becomes even more tattered than it already is, develops big, gaping holes, or even falls apart on my back, it will be repaired until the cows come home.  I will sew, darn, embroider, patch, glue, machine stitch and even hand stitch every nook and cranny on this jacket rather than see it go into a garbage can.

In fact, I am waiting for it to naturally become torn and tattered so that I can keep adding interesting bits and bobs to make it as bohemian and visually interesting as I can, so look for future posts on my beloved jean jacket, (that I should probably name at this point) as you watch me transform it little by little. Ha!

Oh, I almost forgot. Here's the scoop on the "patch". Actually, the patch is from a t-shirt that I made back in 2003 (back when I was making t-shirts). It was actually a painting I made (back when I was doing more paintings) that I had copied on to iron-on transfers that was then put on t-shirts. Being the recycling fiend that I am, I couldn't, in good conscience, toss the t-shirt, could I?  I simply had no choice but to cut out the design and recycle it (sew it on to the back of my beloved jacket). And there you are the story of the jacket and the t-shirt. Isn't recycling delicious? 

- The End

I'd love to hear what kind of fun recycling projects you've done? Feel free to leave your comments below.

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