Monday, August 19, 2013

New Product Line Preview, Entry #7: Drawstring Bags

We're pulling into the home stretch people. Labor Day is around the corner and that's when everything will be listed in the shop for the Super Big Grand Opening of the Tracyille Shop.

Today's preview items are these multi-purpose drawstring bags that have an infinite amount of uses. As I've said before, this new product line is fun, functional and inspirational and I think this particular item embodies all 3 of those components. 

They've got the fun illustrations and designs. They're highly functional for both storage and organizational purposes AND they've got the sweet inspirational messages on them.

Read below on the many uses you can use these awesome bags for.

Ideas on How & Where To Use These Drawstring Bags:

. Gift Bags 
. Storage Bags
. Organizational - fabulous for organizing any room or space in your nest.
. Kitchen - to store veggies, fruits, etc.
. Office - to store staples, paper clips, tape and numerous other office supplies.
. Bathroom - to store makeup, bars of soap, cleaning products, etc.
. Bedroom -  great organizational tool to compartmentalize and organize dresser drawers, store socks and undergarments, create more room on your closet shelves, etc.
. Linen Closet - to store all sorts of bric a brac.
. Tool Shed - to store nails, screws, tape measures, pliers, screwdrivers, and so any other things in your tool shed.
. Miscellaneous - for all of those items that you don't quite know where to put them.
. Kid's Room - these bags allow quick and easy clean-up of toys and various knick-knacks because all kids have to do is chuck all of their playthings into the bags, which store quite a few things in varying sizes. 

Bags Come In 3 Sizes
. 5" x 7"
. 8" x 10"
. 9" x 13"

True Story:  A couple of years ago, I made a few of these bags and gave them to my little cousin for his 6th birthday. After he opened them, I told him that his super sonic bags with the cool boy designs would help him clean up his room like a super hero because all he had to do was scoop up his toys and toss them into his bags and his room would be clean super fast. A few days later he and his parents came for a visit and his mother thanked me for the bags and commented on how much my cousin loved them and she was also a bit puzzled as to 1) why his room was rather pristine and 2) why he was suddenly into picking up his room. I just had to chuckle.... ;)

If you have some other ideas on how these bags can be used, leave a comment below. I'd love to hear how you'd use them. 

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