Monday, September 2, 2013

Tracyville Shop Launches Today! Woohoo!

It's launchey Labor Day as the Tracyville Shop officially launches and the Grand Opening is today everybody! Indeed, I'm very excited because I've worked very hard on this line and it's my baby. Now, I let my handmade creations that have been earnestly made with oodles of love, go out into the world for you and yours to enjoy. And I do hope that my products give you all lots and lots of fond memories.

I do want to add that I greatly welcome you submitting your photographs of your children, nieces, nephews, yourselves and any family and friends making memories with their Tracyville goodies and I will share them on this here blog. I would love that!

Hope you're having a super amazing Labor Day! Much love to one and all and thank you so much for your readership and support! :)

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