Friday, January 24, 2014

Feature Friday: Super Lovely Craft Room/Work Areas

Craft Room Ideas

I wanted to share some craft rooms/work areas with you today that I stumbled upon. 

cereal boxes cut down for cubbie slides

I love peeking into other people's work areas and seeing where they create their arty, crafty magic. 

Being a recycler-head and neat freak, I am totally appreciating all of these spaces. The thing that jumps into my mind when I look at them is: anyone can create the space of their dreams. 

This makes me smile.

Even if you live in the smallest apartment ever, or you're a teenage crafter who is relegated to a bedroom, there is space for you to do your creative work. You know how I know that? Because I have watched enough HGTV and seen enough living spaces of loved ones to know that we don't always know how to use space in the best ways possible.

Ohmigosh!  I so badly want a wrapping room!  I'll convince my husband someday, this is well used space!

If this is something you've been craving; crave no more. It's a new year. Gift that space to yourself. Start looking at your space with new eyes, as if you've just moved there. Notice its nooks and crannies. Do you have a pantry, a closet, a basement or garage that could be used in a better way? Above all, take note of things that you can discard in order to carve out an awesome workspace for yourself.

love the vintage vibe of this

Also, I want to point out that wads of cash are not needed for this project. Seriously. Really look at these photos and what do you see in most of them? Recycled elements! You don't have to go out and start spending money to go after this dream. That old table or desk in the basement is waiting to be jazzed up with some colorful paint. Those empty food jars sitting in your recycling bin are waiting for you to art them up with some chalk paint or cool handmade labels, so they can hold your buttons and ribbons. Old wooden boxes are waiting to be cleaned out and freshed up, so they can hold all your yarns. You get what I'm saying. 

love the dresser below the little window

The bottom line is: you should have the best workspace ever to make all your handmade gems and you can do it. If you want to take the easy route, contact me and I'll come over and 1) organize & design your space and 2) make/construct all your workspace bits and bobs utilizing what you already have on hand. :) Just kidding. It would be so much more fun if you did it and called in all your foot soldiers (aka fam and friends) to help you on your mission. Good luck!

Mason Jar Craft Storage with Chalkboard Paint Lids. Desk - pushpins, stamps, paper clips, binder clips, rubber bands (smaller jars)

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