Monday, February 24, 2014

Blogging Tip of the Day: 3 Ingredients To Attract Readers

Do You Find Me Attractive?     

Let's pretend that this post is an adult version of Sesame Street and our 3 words for the day are 1) Planning, 2) Strategy and 3) Consistency. There are many, many things that will attract a reader to your blog. Let's start with these three and lets's take them one by one, shall we?

Planning: Blogging on the fly may work for some, because it all depends on what your blog is about, but it certainly helps to make a plan. That means to not only make a plan for your entire blog (almost like making a business plan for your business), but also to make a scheduling plan for your posts (especially if your blog isn't reliant upon time sensitive material). Ask yourself some questions about your blog such as why did you create a blog? What is your blog about? What is your goal? What do you aim to do with your blog? Will you have guest bloggers? Are you committed to posting every day, twice a week, three times a week? Where do you see your blog in four weeks? Five months? Two years?  Are you in it for the long haul? How do you plan to get the word out about your blog? These are just a few questions that might help you map out your fabulous blog.

Strategy: Create a strategy for your blog. In other words, pay attention to holidays, what's trending, pop culture and popular events, because this is your opportunity to tie your posts into those things. Your blog's theme determines your strategy and how you can weave your posts into what's going on in your world. Many bloggers have had great success and increased readership marrying their posts with current events and such, so it's worth investigating to make it work for you.

Consistency: A key factor in growing your readership is having consistent content. For example, if you get spikes in readership when you post tutorials on Tuesday, adhere to a schedule of posting tutorials on Tuesday, because readers will be looking for that. Believe me, I know that sometimes it's not possible to hold to a schedule, but do make every attempt to try. Humans are creatures of habit, and if they like what you post on Mondays and Wednesdays, or leave wonderful comments on your freebie Friday posts, they will keep coming back for more and they'll probably tell others who'll be joining in on the [blog] awesomeness you have to offer. :)

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