Monday, February 10, 2014

Miss Tracy's Tutorials: Turn A T-Shirt Into A Cool Scarf

Baby, it's cold outside and today's tutorial is dedicated to all the folks who are dealing with frigid temps right about now. So go run and get an unwanted t-shirt and let's get crafty. Oh, and grab a pair of scissors while you're  at it. 


. old t-shirt (if you want a nice big slouchy one, the bigger the better)
. scissors


1. Cut off the sleeves and cut around/off the neckline.

2. Tie it around your neck and enjoy your scarf! Hope you weren't expecting any more than that because, that's it! :D

Can you believe how easy it is? You have a funky, new, fabulous scarf that you can make in a multitude of colors and use in a variety of ways. 

You can even make them for your kids, nieces, nephews, friends and anybody else who wants one of your creatively crafted, upcycled t-shirt scarves! 

I'm including all these pics to give you an idea of the many ways in which to wrap your new scarf.

I also made this cardboard mannequin head to add some visual interest. I thought she'd be way more fun to look at than just a scarf sitting on a white background. (LOL)

Enjoy, Tracyvillagers!

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