Friday, February 14, 2014

Photo-Booth Friday: Captivating Storefronts

Do you ever really look at the storefronts when you walk into or pass a sweet, little shop. I mean really look at them - the windows, the signage, the curb appeal, the interior design of the space, the special little bits and bobs?

I've been swooning over storefronts lately, particularly indie shops + boutiques. I love being witness to the pride of ownership as reflected by all the original, special details that clearly involved time, thought, planning, money and such care. Mmm! Love!!

Sources: 1. Pretty Things Blog / 2. Wit & Whistle / 3. Dwell / 4. Pinterest / 5. All Left / 6Mental Floss / 7Gabba Gabba Gorgeous / 8Pinterest


  1. I love looking at storefronts. If you come to NC, some very cool storefronts are in Pittsboro, downtown Chapel Hill, downtown Durham, and of course in Raleigh. And a smaller city of Southern Pines has a very cool downtown scene. (That's the city closest to me. heehee)

    1. Ooooeeeee! You have piqued my interest. I'm going to toddle off to Google images and check out NC storefronts AND I'm also curious to see the DT of Southern Pines! :)

  2. these are all very visually appealing and effective. yep. it's ones such as these that make me wanna go in and see what's going on!
