Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Product Preview #3 - Connecticut Pride Drawstring Bags

I think I mentioned yesterday how much I am crushing on these bags and making these bags. Well, here's more proof of that.

Yesterday, it was doggie bags, today, it's Connecticut bags. Ha, ha! (Wish you could see the pink details in the letters. It's a really nice contrast to the olive green...really nice! And it looks super good against the harvest orange in the above photo too!)

And today, the bags are working and earning their keep; showing you that they can be produce bags, storage bags, flatware bags... Oh and  they also function well as art studio bags, craft room bags, make-up bags, garden bags, tool shed bags... Shall I go on?

They can be any kind of bags you want them to be because that's how they roll. Stay tuned for what's next...more CT cuteness! (PS: I love vintage anything! Thus, the vintage kitchen accessories in this photo).  :)

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