Friday, September 26, 2014

My Recycled Craft Classes + Edge of the Woods Market = Register Now!

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I now have the schedule/info for my Recycled + Organic Craft Classes at Edge of the Woods Natural Market in Westville. I'm starting with my most popular workshops (which also tie into the grocery store theme) and the schedule is as follows: 


Saturday, October 4
How To Upcycle a T-Shirt Into a Fringed [Grocery] Tote 

Saturday, October 11
How To Upcycle Foodstuff Boxes into a Notebook

Saturday, October 18 
How To Make All Natural Powdered Deodorant


- Workshop Minimum: 3 people are needed for the class to happen
- Cancellation: please give at least 24 hours notice (more time if possible) of a cancellation. 
- You must register for these workshops to attend.


Edge of the Woods Natural Market
379 Whalley Avenue 
New Haven (Westville)

Register now for the workshops here.

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Please share and let's have a crafting playdate! We'll take photos for the blog, make cool stuff and I'll have some parting gifts in tow!  Good times, people, good times!!!

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