Friday, September 12, 2014

Tracy Flavored DIY: How To Make Delish Lavender Coconut Body Oil


1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup olive oil
10 drops essential oil


Heat the coconut oil in a small pan on very low heat stir until completely melted. When cool, stir all the ingredients in a glass bowl or glass cup with a spout and pour your freshly made body oil into a pretty, recycled, bottleneck jar. That's it! Super easy; super fast!

NOTE: You can substitute the above oils for grapeseed, jojoba oil, almond oil, (unless you have allergies), etc., AND you can experiment with the essential oils and try different combinations of essential oils like vanilla/orange, coconut/rosemary etc. Just know that essential oils are very strong and must not be applied to the skin directly. Essential oils need a carrier oil to lessen their potency. You've been warned.  :o


  1. I love it and I have all the ingredients (for a change). Hip Hip Hooray!!! I'll have to add this to my "spa" stash for when I get my bathroom. :-)

    1. LOL! Yay you have all the ingredients! Get to it! Start making your delicious smelling body oil. I always keep some on hand in my "spa stash". Yum!
