Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Flavored DIY: Last Minute [Upcycled] Gift Wrapping Ideas

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I've had one heck of a glorious day! It started at the KGUN 9 studios to tape a segment of Morning Blend. I did a demo on last minute gift wrapping ideas for last minute gift wrappers like myself. I met some fabulous business women in the Green Room. It was awesome! It almost felt familiar - like a summit of women who went to high school together and December 24 was the one day out of the year for them to gather together to catch up. It was filled with laughs, good and varied conversations and just good fun. Also, it was wonderful distraction therapy and took away most of the jitters of appearing on a LIVE show. (lol)

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Bottom was a great morning!! Thank you to the Morning Blend staff, Ken, Tina and Alex for being so warm and friendly and making us all feel so comfortable and relaxed. Also, thanks to the ladies in the Green Room Cynthia and Nancy from Eagles Wings of Grace, Int'l and  Melissa and Mayra from Steps - Dance Inspired Fitness.

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When I'm done posting this, I'm going to go watch as many holiday films as I can, before they all go away, finish my gift wrapping adventures and then I'm gonna hunker down with a cup of green tea and get ready for my yearly-holiday-movie-marathon-fest...24 hours of "A Christmas Story". It only comes on once a year and I take full advantage of it by watching as many episodes as I can.

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Have a very special Christmas eve everybody and remember, if you run out of wrapping paper, don't panic. Grab anything that can double as wrapping paper like newspaper, grocery bags, or paper lunch bags and follow the pics in this here post. Enjoy!

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PS: Here are the supplies I used:

. brown paper grocery bags (that I save from grocery shopping)
. brown paper bags (that I save from restaurants)
. jute (the brown string seen above), white string, red/white bakers twine
. buttons
. wee tree branches (wee trimmings from my Christmas tree)
. gift tags that I made from upcycling file folders (example seen in 3rd pic from the top)
. dollar store candy canes (I punched holes in the top w/hole puncher and strung them up with jute as seen directly above)
. hole puncher
. scissors
. tape

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