Friday, April 10, 2015

Me + Found Pallets = A Disgruntled Pallet Dismantler

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So I found a couple of pallets at a construction site. I brought them home to make them into something faaabulous. Problem #1: I didn't register the dismantling part. I only saw the finished product in my head. (lol) So little miss diy-er went into the yard and began the nightmare of dismantling her dreamy, wood pallets.

Newsflash:'s not dreamy to take apart a pallet. In fact, it was quite un-fun and I am 1) a strong woman and 2) a patient woman and I was over the dismantling part of the program. So I broke out my handy-dandy hammer and problem #2 arouse. Problem #2: when you hammer apart a wooden pallet thinking that it will magically dismantle like melted butter, it will not. You will then see that 1) pallets have a gabillion nails in them and 2) you will break your beautiful wood pallet parts.

These broken bits are what I acquired from my pallet dismantling adventure (see above & below pics). It was enough to make a sign for my booth for next weekend's Open Studios event and to make a few more signs, but I will not ruin any more of my precious pallets. I found a guy on YouTube who really knows what he's talking about. Plus, he makes some amazing things from pallet wood. More coming on my pallet making activities...

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