Wednesday, July 29, 2015

New Typography Illustration: The Beloved Coffee Moment

Ah, there's nothing like the smell of walking into a fabulous cafe and smelling the unforgettably divine smell of good, strong, coffee roasting? I'll have a latte, please!

And speaking of latte, I feel a story coming on. Okay. So I don't recall how I discovered lattes, but it has been my coffee drink of choice for these many, many years...since my college days way back when. I would disappear from the campus and sink into a fabulous, bohemian cafe across the street from my university. My secret place finally got out and my friends (who were not at all into sitting in a cafe, wiling the time away) would track me down and be like "what are you doing in here", with puzzled looks on their faces. (lol) They didn't understand the concept of "The Beloved Coffee Moment" at that time (and wouldn't get it until some years later). At some point, I went off to study in France, where, to my utter surprise (because I didn't do any research on France + coffee + cafes, as there was no Google back then), they totally understood sitting in cafe reveling in "The Beloved Coffee Moment". :)

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