Friday, August 7, 2015

Mystery Product Revealed: The Busy Ladies' Craft-O-Matic De-Stressor In A Box

This sweet, signature Tracyville typography cut-out is the first thing you'll see when you open your 'Busy Ladies' Craft-O-Matic Destressor In A Box'. I like to add that extra kick of sweetness to my products and I guess that, my friends, is why they often say that handmade goods are "made with love!"  Because they are! You can't get that kind of care, pride, attention to detail and love from factory-made goods. :) These fun Craft-O-Matic Destressor Kits will be in my shop in a little bit. 

The Busy Ladies' Craft-O-Matic De-Stressor In A Box Backstory

I've been giving a lot of thought the last few months about how art can be functional in more ways than hanging beautiful art on the walls. This thought gave rise to the Happy Lovey Art Project back in February. More recently, I wanted to create something specifically for women - to help us slow down and relax because all the women in my life are business owners, entrepreneurs, directors of one kind or another and high powered execs at this company and that.

I thought and I thought about function + busy women + relaxation... and then it hit me -the idea to combine everything I do - sweet illustrated characters + inspirational quotes/affirmations + crafting + coloring - and to blend all of those ingredients into a sweet little package of relaxing goodness designed especially for lady bosses. 

I also gave some thought to the title, which I wanted to be infinitely long (for some reason) so it came to be called 'The Busy Ladies' Craft-O-Matic De-Stressor In A Box'. Yup, that's the [long] name of our mystery product, folks! Haha!!

The Busy Ladies' Craft-O-Matic De-Stressor In A Box allow busy ladies to seize a moment to sit down with yourselves, a cup or glass of (insert your drink here________) and just breathe, unwind, color and craft. 

If you think coloring is for kids, think again. The last few years has seen a rise in 'Adult Coloring Books', which have been very, very popular and research shows that coloring is a wonderful stress reliever, which I can attest to because I color on an almost daily basis and the research is correct. It is very calming.

While my Craft-O-Matic De-Stressor has the coloring component, you can color in the pieces in the kit, but you can also create several "me-time" moments by turning it into a full-on crafting experience. Think of it as a puzzle that you can do in parts (if you like), because once the pieces have all been colored in, you can cut them out and make a collage, or a shadow box AND you can ultimately frame your kit! You can even have a Busy Ladies' coloring party/get-together/picnic with your busy boss-lady girlfriends! And hey, you can even turn it into a monthly event!

That said, share with your friends so they can get in on the Craft-O-Matic De-stressor goodness. These kits make super great gifts for folks of all ages, allow friends to stay connected by creating craft-o-matic get-togethers, and there are so many choices (see below). And with the holidays coming up, your "what-should-I-get-for-stocking-stuffers" question have been answered!

What's IThe Busy Ladies' Craft- O-Matic De-Stressor IA Box

- Signature Tracyville Character Head
- Inspirational Affirmation in a Speech Bubble
- Background Design
- Welcoming Hello Cut-out

Style Choices

There are many styles to choose from and they include:
1) Sweet Girlies
2) Snobby Ladies
3) Natural Hair Ladies
4) Dogs / Animals
5) Florals
6) Abstract People


  1. Hi ya,

    Its such a great idea, your destressor box..I fully enjoyed your clues over on instagram too :)

    Blessings Janet

  2. Thank so much Janet! I appreciate your comments here and on Instagram! :D Do stay in touch.

    Thanks again!!!

