Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Focus + Plush Dolls = Tracyville Now

I've been on a bit of a social media break that ends today, but it allowed me time to ponder, reflect and focus with regard to the business end of things. Though this is going to be a very difficult task for me, because I am an artist whose mind is always full of ideas and centered on creating, I am committed to figuring out the business end of things. That said, I hope to whittle away at the many things I make and do what my BFF + Tyler Perry advised (in a video I recently came across) "focus on one thing."

This is going to be tremendously difficult task for me as I try not to make journals, greeting cards, t-shirts, tote bags, messenger bags, home goods, etc, etc, etc. (lol) Going down my list of things that I make, the one thing I've decided to concentrate on (in addition to art), is plush art (or as we used to call them back in the day - dolls). 

Why dolls? Well, 1) dolls are nostalgic for me because they are the first thing I remember making. I made them by hand as a tween-ager until I got my first sewing machine, 2) they are nostalgic for me because I would make them with, and for my favorite aunt and she had all of the dolls I ever gave her in a nook where she kept all of her treasured collectible dolls. When I'd visit my aunt, oh, so long ago, I'd sit with her on the living room sofa and we'd connect over crafting - she with her knitting and I with my dolls or embroidery, 3) I LOVE making them! Though doll-making is quite labor intensive, they are my favorite thing to make (besides art). I love seeing a plush doll grow from something conceived in my mind into something tangible and the thought of someone having years of enjoyment from something I made with a tremendous amount of love is indescribable, 4) I have always seen myself as working for kids and I think of myself as a children's illustrator. Dolls are associated with kids, although I don't believe they are only for kids. My dolls have gone to many wonderful homes of adult collectors over the years and I'm proud of that. Also, I, too, love dolls and can't help but keep an occasional doll for myself and use them as interior design accessories in my home. 

Why are they called Tracyvillagers? If you follow this blog, you know that I'm a big on character development. Since I create soooooo many characters and my brand is called Tracyville, it seemed natural to turn those characters into plush dolls and call them Tracyvillagers. 

Wish me luck in trying to 'focus on one thing'.  :) 

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