Monday, September 19, 2016

My Community Coloring & Brunch Event Was A Success!

I want to send out a huge thank you to Joy for giving me space to hold this event and to everyone who showed up for my 1st Community Coloring and Brunch Event. It was way more than I hoped for and expected! Yay!

A couple of days before the event, I contacted Joy (the owner of Revolutionary Grounds and expressed my concern that noone registered for the event via Facebook and asked for her thoughts on cancelling. She kindly responded to proceed with the event and that folks would show up. There was something in her email that was very comforting and I felt like it was going to be fine. (If you've ever hosted an event, you are aware that there is some amount of anxiety around it, because the fear is that noone will show - lol).

Not only  did a [surprisingly] good amount of people show up, but I could not have asked for more. The weather was perfect and we all hung out in the outdoor space of the cafe and if any of you have been to Revolutionary Grounds, you know that the outdoor space is awesome with amazing energy. Everyone was friendly and in great spirits, the connection was priceless, there were both adults and children present, the conversation was highly engaging and entertaining (at one point we realized that noone had even taken out their cell phones. Now, that is an engaging event!), the food was excellent (because Joy is an ultra amazing cook), folks were so into the coloring pages (making me a very happy + proud girl), there was no uncomfortable lulls in conversation and it actually felt as if we all knew each other. And the greatest compliment of all (after seeing some much pleasure around my work), was people asking if we could do this regularly. That, my friends, is a successful event!

Honestly, I can't say enough good things about our awesome Sunday gathering, which went over the estimated time slot, by the way. So a hugely warm shout out to all in attendance - B, L, K, J, L, L's dad, A, A's daughter and her daughter's friend and the other folks whose names I didn't get. (I didn't get their authorization to say their names in this space, so I'm using their initials instead).

Thanks a bunch you guys for coming and for supporting my work!!! Until next time...

PS: I learned that Facebook is not at all the most accurate way to gauge the anticipated success of one's event. Keep that in mind if/when you create an "event page" on your FB page.  :)

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