Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Very Me Project : DIY Workshop : November 20th

About The Workshop

Who:    Tracyville
What:   The Very Me Project Launch + DIY Workshop How To Make Upcycled Self-Love Journals
When:   Sunday, November 20th
Where:  Revolutionary Grounds Books & Coffee

Come join me for food, fun, freebies and crafting, as we launch my new community art project, The Very Me Project. To celebrate the kick-off, I'll be giving away some handmade goodies to the 1st couple of attendees AND I'll be having a giveaway and one grand prize winner will receive one of my brand new prints from The Very Me Project art series! Price of the workshop is $10.00 if you buy online and $15.00 at the door. Bring friends! It's gonna be fun!!

About The Very Me Project

The Very Me Project is all about you. This community based art project is a celebration of your glorious one-and-only-self. It's all about 1) being unapologetically you in the face of intolerance, judgment, mockery and haters...and even loved ones and 2) the practice of self love and tolerance through art, inspirational writings, photography and workshops - all meant to educate, enlighten and unify.

To be very you is to be unapologetic about who you are in a society that insists on telling us overtly and subliminally to hate countless things about ourselves. Not only is society telling us to dislike ourselves, but sometimes we find that the people who are closest to us, are highly intolerant and judgemental of our personalities, how we act, how different we are from them, how we carry ourselves, how we dress, what comes out of our mouths, etc. The Very Me Project is a creative reminder to practice tolerance around others' differences.

On November 20th , I kick off the project with a Self-Love Journal Making Workshop at Revolutionary Grounds and I hope you'll join me for a wonderful gathering of fun, food, freebies and awesome vibes!

I've also created some new artwork inspired for the project that you can snag from my shop ... just in time for the holidays - hey, hey! 

TVMP Questionnaire

Take this wee questionnaire to see if you're a club member.

. Do you have loved ones who show great intolerance and judgment around your personality and your way of being?

. Are there people in your life who are always pointing out how different you are from them?

. Do you know people who talk about your personality in your face, in front of others and behind your back?

. Are you silly and serious people are put off by that?

. Are you around people who act like your way of being is wrong and their way of being is right?

. Are you a girl who prefers to rock boys' clothing and people have intolerance around it?

. Are you a boy who likes to wear nail polish and makeup and you've got haters because of it?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions (from a list that could go on and on), then you are part of The Very Me Project community. Come join us November 20th to chill and have fun in an intolerance-free zone. :)

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