Monday, November 7, 2016

Tracyville Goods At Riveted In Time For The Holidays

Image result for riveted tucson

Hey fam! If you haven't been over to Riveted lately it's a great time, since it's the holidays, and since I just delivered a whole bunch of goodies. I'm talkin' human goods like messenger bags, totes, notebooks and greeting cards and doggie stuff too! You'll find leashes, doggie magnets, doggie storage bags and lots of stocking stuffers - all handmade from scratch! 

So head on over to Riveted on W. Broadway - the hot shop for the most unique, Desert : Vintage : Modern : Industrial items on the planet and you're one-stop-shop for all things Tracyville. Oh, and don't forget to get some sweet #puppykisses before you leave, from the precious-poodley-poo, known as Talulah. Look at her! Isn't she the sweeeeeetest?!!!

Image result for talulah riveted tucson


  1. Thanks Tracy! We are open W-Sat 11-6 and this week, will be open late on Saturday for 2nd Saturday! Park on our side of downtown, stop in to say hello and then head over to the food trucks and bands.

    1. Awesome! Good to know, Jenni! Thanks for the info!
