Friday, November 9, 2012

Playing with and Loving Stamps!

I am really excited to have made my very first stamps.....
You'll see the stamps way down below, but let's start with the cutest stuff first. Firstly, I made these cards for a fair last year.  These were extras that I knew I'd put to good use some day.
They've been neatly tucked away in my studio because I haven't participated in any fairs in months. The card directly above, by the way, is pre-stamp. The stamp in photo #1 just added a whole other flavor.
Now that the holidays are upon us AND it's fair season, I pulled these babies out again to get stuff ready for a market this weekend.
As I pulled them out, I remembered the stamps and a lightbulb moment ensued.

Here is another one that is pre-stamped.
Needless to say, I got a little stamp happy and started stamping.......
and stamping........
 and stamping........ guessed it.....stamping! Duh! I really like the jazzed up cards and now my mind is swirling with all the other things I could possibly stamp. Hmmm............

Actually, I did try my hand at making stamps a few years ago -- from erasers. It didn't really stick and I never used the couple that I made, so I consider these to be my first real attempt at making stamps.

Since I don't really have any experience making them, I tried to stick to really simple designs - like the designs above - to get the hang of it. I must say that in this form they don't look like much, but when you put them on some paper, it's like magic. The result is really nice.  I must admit to a bit of giddy excitement. The carving part was just the necessity to get to the good part, which was to see the product.  I totally couldn't wait to ink it up and stamp it on the paper. That was the juicy part.  Anyway, I think I'm hooked. Yes I am!

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