Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sunny Goods: Castle & Things

 Castle! Castle! Castle! I love Castle [& Things] home products.....
their signature style of artwork

Castle and Things
their pillows
their aesthetic
 their linens
 their products
 Castle and Things
their art
 their pillowcase
another pillowcase
and yet another sweet pillowcase

Embroided art by Castle and Things Bright bedding and zesty wall art by Castle and Things
their garlands
I love the words they use to describe their business because it's so in line with my personality -"CASTLE loves being at home and it loves color and whimsy."  Our products always have a little pop of energy without taking themselves too seriously. We love to have a bit of fun." Perfectly said.
And I adore the name they attached to their business - "Castle", because home is one's castle. They make everything from bed linens to pillows to art and they even make garlands. How cute is that? Anyway their products are very sweet, or as they say - "sunny". Love them!

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