Thursday, March 7, 2013

15 Mega Awesome Blogging Tips!

how to start your own blog
Being the author of your own blog has its challenges. There are times when you question the content of your blog, what topics you should post about, should you delete a regular feature - or two, should you create new content, what will that new content be and when should you launch it. If this is a subject that concerns you from time to time, here are some tips on creating new blog content.
    1. Group Brainstorming - get on your social media sites and ask your followers for post ideas. Go to the source to find out what they want to see, what they don't want to see, what they want to see more of etc.

    2. Make a 'Favorites List' – a list of your favorite topics, favorite blogs, favorite people in your industry and favorite things, as they relate to your blog.

    3. Make an 'Ideas List' - I have found that ideas for blogging come from everywhere, so it has paid off for me to make a list and keep a notebook nearby for when ideas pop up.

    4. Consider having guests write content for your blog.

    5. Interview someone well known in your industry or someone who has a large following. People are always interested in people who are already popular.

    6. Write opinion based posts on something recent or even not so recent, but recognize that readers may have opinions about your opinions.

    7. Write about things that are attached to things that are trending right now.

    8. Review products. See if companies will be willing to send out review products to you.

    9. Repost older posts. We get new readers all the time on our blogs and on days when you're super busy or don't have a prepared post, this is a great time to repost an older post. Plus, you can tweek it slightly and freshen it up a bit.

    10. Share your success. If your blog has become quite popular, people will want to know how you got there and what you learned along the way. (This is up to you if you want to share this info).
    11. Share your business hardships. Sharing parts of your business experiences where you’ve fallen down, learned things the hard way where it seems others know things you don't, etc., can be a great way to find people who have also had struggles in the same way and how they handled it. (I repeat, it is up to you if you want to share this info).

    12. Stay abrest of what's going on via the news outlets, other blogs, etc., as they can be great inspiration for your blog content. 

    13. Watching television can also help you get inspired and keeping up with current trends.

    14. Google Trends is a great service to find out the what, where and who of what's currently hot.

    15. Movies, books, art, zines, family gatherings, people, the things they say and society at large can be a great inspiration to the blogger. If you live in a large city that has lots of interesting lookin people and lots going on, even hitting the streets and people watching can inspire you. Inspiration comes from everywhere for a blogger. All you have to do is open your eyes and your state of being and absorb what going on around you. :)

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