Sunday, May 19, 2013

Embroidery Hoop Painting: Bunny-Boo

Bunny-Boo has now become an embroidery hoop painting......

That's her nickname until I can find her a proper name befitting such a little cutie-pie.

Oh, and if this sweet bunny-girl looks familiar, it's because you've seen her before - most recently in one of my latest illustrations (last photo in this post). Enjoy and look for more embroidery hoop paintings in the coming days. 

Believe it or not, a lot of the things I'm creating lately will be neatly tucked away in preparation for the holidays. Believe me, I know it's way, way too early to think about such things, but in this profession, I don't think you can ever start planning too early for the almighty holiday season. :)

 photo 88ae379f-ff69-49a4-800e-d4fd150b7373_zps0db04b5f.jpg

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