Friday, June 14, 2013

New Cards Going Into The Shop

As promised yesterday, here are some of the cards that are on their way to my shop...
Spread Love Everywhere You Go - Card

I Love What I See Looking Back At Me - Card

I'm Loving You - Card

Your Beauty Is Right In Front Of You - Card

Hello - Card

I Love You - Card

About The Cards

1) My cards are totally handmade/hand generated.  

2) Some of the messages on this new series of cards lend themselves to us gifting ourselves with a sweet, inspirational card. Who says a card has to always be given away?  It might be nice for a change, to gift yourself with a card from yourself.  :)

3) A couple of them are from a previous series, but they've been updated. :)

3) They're on their way into my shop. :)

Oh, and here's one last :) for the road.

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