Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Biz Whiz: 8 Marvy Marketing Tips That'll Cost You Nothing

Here are 8 marvelous marketing ideas that require no money and 
you can begin implementing them today to promote your business.

1)  Remember Your Current Customers

You may or may not know that it’s easier to keep an existing 
customer than win a new one. That said, it may be worth going 
through your list of older inactive customers and trying to 
reactivate a few of the better ones. Contact them to let them know 
that they are valued, find out what it will take to get them back. 
You might be surprised at how simple or low-cost it is. If they 
say no thanks, consider it a learning opportunity and wish them 
the best. Then, contact them in a year and ask again.

2) Improve Customer Service

Some folks don't know or forget that customer service is a form 
of advertising, so ensure that it's top notch. Your customer service 
should be friendly, intentional and show that you care about your 
customer's needs.

3) Offer Up Special Deals to Your Newsletter List

Give your newsletter subscribers special perks/offers (whatever you 
choose that to be) by offering a “newsletter only” deal.

4) Have An Out-Of-The-Box, Uniquely Titled Sale

Conduct a unique sale that has an angle to it. For example, if you sell 
natural hair supplies, you could have an "I just went natural, so you get 
15% Off Sale". You can even turn it into a big once a year sale that your 
customers come to look forward to. The key here is to make it fun, and 
get people talking about it so that they spread the word.

5) Let Customers Know You Appreciate Them
Letting customers know you appreciate them will usually result in 
return love. Send them a birthday email for example. Interact with 
them in any way you see fit. 

6Research Yourself

Are you aware of what your customers are saying about you online? 
Do a search on yourself and then, respond to your customers.

7Advertise on Yourself

If you make wearable products, wear your products. If  you make 
notebooks, use them in plain sight If you make totes, use them 
about town. You get the picture. Use your own goods and people 
will ask about them. 

8) Barter, Baby

Bartering doesn't have to be just about giving away stuff. Turn giving 
away into a give-get, win-win situation. You can trade a product or 
service with another business in exchange for some marketing 
opportunities or whatever you feel your business needs. Bartering with 
other businesses can be a very rewarding and wonderful experience. 
Just remember clear communication is key. Good luck!

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