Thursday, August 4, 2016

Doodle No. 25 : The Astrology Sisters : Taurus

I've been working on these new drawings called "The Astrology Sisters". I did the original in black and white of course. B&W is so much easier for me - to draw something and then be out - no deliberating over what colors to use, because sometimes adding color can be tortuous for me, but this one seemed to flow.

As soon as I add the first color or two to a new piece, I know if it's going to work out, or not. lol Luckily, this one worked from the beginning. Wish they could all flow like that.  *pipe dream*

PS: It's very true what research says about coloring being VERY relaxing and soothing. It definitely make stress just melt away. More astrology signs coming up. Stay tuned for yours...

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