Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Vibe : You Belong Here

If you are on this earth, you belong here.  No human being has the power to place a value on your self worth based on their own biases, beliefs, societal, cultural, or familial teachings. You belong here.  

Art Quotes : Art Is The New Black

And the new white.

Friday, November 25, 2016

New Facebook Page, Y'all!

Yeah, I created a new Facebook page. I had to. So here's the deal with that: back in the day, when I created my business page, I did just that - I created a business page. Back then, I didn't know about aaaallll the different pages of Facebook, with aaaallll the different functions. I had no idea about a "personal page" being attached to a business page and blah, blah, blah, now I've got them both and they're attached, so come Like me, won't 'cha?

Cute + Snarky Christmas Cards

Here's a couple of [snarky] Christmas cards that I just finished and added to the shop. The rest of the set will be added over the weekend.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving To One and All!

Here's to hoping that you have a happy, safe and delicious Thanksgiving in every way!

Monday, November 21, 2016

New Art : The Girl With The Sideways Glance

That girl with the red afro-puffs, black lipstick and sideways glance...

I made her after seeing my work on someone's Instagram page with no credit whatsoever (thus, the sideways glance). I'm always struck when I see people sharing artists' work with no credit given. The first thing I think when I see art is: WHO IS THE ARTIST? The 2nd thing I think is, if this person who so carelessly, disrespectfully and thoughtlessly, shares another person's work, was actually the person who spent hours, days, or weeks conceiving of an idea, then sitting in a room, by themselves, working for hours, days or weeks to execute their idea until completion, only to have someone feel entitled to share what they created and gave them no credit, they would feel exactly the same as any creator would feel.

Anyway, I'm crushing on this girl, so you'll be seeing a couple of different versions of this one. She's on her way to my shop.

Art Quotes : Paid

Nothing in life is free; and art shouldn't be the one thing that is. Am I right?

Thought it was a good idea to start writing some art quotes in the same vein as my soap quotes that I started writing months ago.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Very Me Project : Journal Samples For Sunday's Workshop

I'm getting ready for The Very Me Project, Self-Love Journal Making Workshop this Sunday. Here are a couple of samples that I made to give you an idea of what we'll be doing, but you'll be designing and making your journal to suit your own taste with the many items I'll be bringing, like stamps, stencils, colored pencils, decorative papers, buttons, jute, string, crayons and a bunch of other stuff that I'll find in my studio between now and Sunday.

Round up your friendies and head on over to Revolutionary Grounds Books & Coffee this Sunday at 12:00 noon!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Very Me Project : DIY Workshop : November 20th

About The Workshop

Who:    Tracyville
What:   The Very Me Project Launch + DIY Workshop How To Make Upcycled Self-Love Journals
When:   Sunday, November 20th
Where:  Revolutionary Grounds Books & Coffee

Come join me for food, fun, freebies and crafting, as we launch my new community art project, The Very Me Project. To celebrate the kick-off, I'll be giving away some handmade goodies to the 1st couple of attendees AND I'll be having a giveaway and one grand prize winner will receive one of my brand new prints from The Very Me Project art series! Price of the workshop is $10.00 if you buy online and $15.00 at the door. Bring friends! It's gonna be fun!!

About The Very Me Project

The Very Me Project is all about you. This community based art project is a celebration of your glorious one-and-only-self. It's all about 1) being unapologetically you in the face of intolerance, judgment, mockery and haters...and even loved ones and 2) the practice of self love and tolerance through art, inspirational writings, photography and workshops - all meant to educate, enlighten and unify.

To be very you is to be unapologetic about who you are in a society that insists on telling us overtly and subliminally to hate countless things about ourselves. Not only is society telling us to dislike ourselves, but sometimes we find that the people who are closest to us, are highly intolerant and judgemental of our personalities, how we act, how different we are from them, how we carry ourselves, how we dress, what comes out of our mouths, etc. The Very Me Project is a creative reminder to practice tolerance around others' differences.

On November 20th , I kick off the project with a Self-Love Journal Making Workshop at Revolutionary Grounds and I hope you'll join me for a wonderful gathering of fun, food, freebies and awesome vibes!

I've also created some new artwork inspired for the project that you can snag from my shop ... just in time for the holidays - hey, hey! 

TVMP Questionnaire

Take this wee questionnaire to see if you're a club member.

. Do you have loved ones who show great intolerance and judgment around your personality and your way of being?

. Are there people in your life who are always pointing out how different you are from them?

. Do you know people who talk about your personality in your face, in front of others and behind your back?

. Are you silly and serious people are put off by that?

. Are you around people who act like your way of being is wrong and their way of being is right?

. Are you a girl who prefers to rock boys' clothing and people have intolerance around it?

. Are you a boy who likes to wear nail polish and makeup and you've got haters because of it?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions (from a list that could go on and on), then you are part of The Very Me Project community. Come join us November 20th to chill and have fun in an intolerance-free zone. :)

The Very Me Project : Art Series

The shop has re-opened and I'm filling it with holiday goodies for your space that celebrate who you are. This is one of my brand new drawings from my new art project - The Very Me Art Project. Go check out what's in the shop and see if anything resonates with you, or if something speaks to you for a loved one. 

The Writing Files No. 3 : Sabor


there was that day.
there was that evening.
there was that space

brimming with so many beautiful ones
and we fit in like perfect puzzle pieces.

many bejeweled hands filled with wine glasses 
and feet positioned in breathtaking shoes.
i, engaged in conversation with lovely strangers
and you
twinning across the room.

momentarily floated out of conversation to gaze upon you,
only to find you were already gazing.
almond shaped cocoa eyes, met your hazel beauties.

soft, sexy, half smiles from pretty lips
beckoning looks, desirous eyes
and wonderment unspoken.

i felt your touch here, here, here... and here
with nary a flick of your finger.
not knowing at the time,
that, that mighty, voluminous moment, foretold 
that my elephantesque nightmare was over

and a moonlit, starry dream had begun.

*sabor: a Spanish word meaning flavor. :)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Tracyville Goods At Riveted In Time For The Holidays

Image result for riveted tucson

Hey fam! If you haven't been over to Riveted lately it's a great time, since it's the holidays, and since I just delivered a whole bunch of goodies. I'm talkin' human goods like messenger bags, totes, notebooks and greeting cards and doggie stuff too! You'll find leashes, doggie magnets, doggie storage bags and lots of stocking stuffers - all handmade from scratch! 

So head on over to Riveted on W. Broadway - the hot shop for the most unique, Desert : Vintage : Modern : Industrial items on the planet and you're one-stop-shop for all things Tracyville. Oh, and don't forget to get some sweet #puppykisses before you leave, from the precious-poodley-poo, known as Talulah. Look at her! Isn't she the sweeeeeetest?!!!

Image result for talulah riveted tucson

Monday Motivation

A bit of inspo to kickstart your week. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Vibe...

No caption needed.

The Word Fairy : Uninhibited

This is a divine word because it embodies freedom and in this instance, applies to having a love who exudes that energy, or state of being, that allows you to possess no inhibitions, in all spaces. So rare is this. That person with whom you can be all of who you are, you can be a fraction of who you are, you can be who you want to be, you can even be a fantasy you (wink), if you so choose.  You can flirt, play, giggle, cry, whisper, scream, twerk, dance, laugh, bemoan, moan, exude, whine, wince, flutter, utter, wink, marinate, dress up, dress down, smile, glance, wild out - you can do things, say things, and be so very you - all without any sense of inhibitions. To know this, is to embrace this with wide, open, welcoming arms, as it is truly rare.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Drawing No. 32 : You Owe It To Yourself To Understand Your Worth

And you owe it to yourself to be around people who understand it too. Find your tribe who love your personality, your nature, your talents, your being, your foibles, your quirks - your you-ness for exactly who you are. 

The Word Fairy : Learn

Anything we want to do in this life, we have to 'learn' how to do. We have to learn how to be a professor, an accountant, a lawyer, an architect, a business owner, etc. There is no magic wand that will quickly make us become what we want to become. It will take learning, motivation, focus, dedication, time, energy, etc. The bright side is when we come out the other end, ready to apply all the things we learned, to that thing which we want to do. :)

Monday, September 19, 2016

My Community Coloring & Brunch Event Was A Success!

I want to send out a huge thank you to Joy for giving me space to hold this event and to everyone who showed up for my 1st Community Coloring and Brunch Event. It was way more than I hoped for and expected! Yay!

A couple of days before the event, I contacted Joy (the owner of Revolutionary Grounds and expressed my concern that noone registered for the event via Facebook and asked for her thoughts on cancelling. She kindly responded to proceed with the event and that folks would show up. There was something in her email that was very comforting and I felt like it was going to be fine. (If you've ever hosted an event, you are aware that there is some amount of anxiety around it, because the fear is that noone will show - lol).

Not only  did a [surprisingly] good amount of people show up, but I could not have asked for more. The weather was perfect and we all hung out in the outdoor space of the cafe and if any of you have been to Revolutionary Grounds, you know that the outdoor space is awesome with amazing energy. Everyone was friendly and in great spirits, the connection was priceless, there were both adults and children present, the conversation was highly engaging and entertaining (at one point we realized that noone had even taken out their cell phones. Now, that is an engaging event!), the food was excellent (because Joy is an ultra amazing cook), folks were so into the coloring pages (making me a very happy + proud girl), there was no uncomfortable lulls in conversation and it actually felt as if we all knew each other. And the greatest compliment of all (after seeing some much pleasure around my work), was people asking if we could do this regularly. That, my friends, is a successful event!

Honestly, I can't say enough good things about our awesome Sunday gathering, which went over the estimated time slot, by the way. So a hugely warm shout out to all in attendance - B, L, K, J, L, L's dad, A, A's daughter and her daughter's friend and the other folks whose names I didn't get. (I didn't get their authorization to say their names in this space, so I'm using their initials instead).

Thanks a bunch you guys for coming and for supporting my work!!! Until next time...

PS: I learned that Facebook is not at all the most accurate way to gauge the anticipated success of one's event. Keep that in mind if/when you create an "event page" on your FB page.  :)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Happy Sunday Funday!

Soap . Sage . Serenity . Music . Meditation . "M" - claimed this divine day. I hope your Sunday Funday was beautiful, loving, calming, fulfilling, dreamy and charming. 

Made/wrote 2 posters for today with the intention of using only one, but each had its own vide - one had that black & white vibe, the other's vibe was in color. Couldn't choose one over the other so booyah - here's a two-fer. Haha!

Friday, September 9, 2016

The Writing Files No. 2 : J'aime


i love walking in light with you
i love how much you love our conversations
i love that you get me
i love that you understand & respect privacy
i love that you let me be me
i love that you're in shape and eat healthy 
i love how it's not a chore for you to be present
i love how you treat me in public and behind closed doors
i love when you take my hand when i least expect it
i love that way only you look at me & the glow in your eyes when you do it
i love how you nuzzle into me when you're vulnerable and/or feeling some kind of way
i love your character, your integrity & your way of being
i love that you're not insufferably impatient & intolerant & gossipy
i love your swagger, your walk, how your body moves, how you dress,
i love immensely the timbre of your raspy voice
i love to close my eyes & listen to that sexy voice when you speak in the language of our ancestors
i love your love
i love your cuddles
i love the sound of your laugh
i love the things you laugh at
i love your passion and emotion
i love our commonalities
i love your pretty feet & your luscious swooping curls that I can't get enough of
i love that you let me play in your you-ness
i love your curiosity with my me-ness
i love your gentle kisses behind ears, on shoulders, mid back, nape of neck & elsewhere
i love how you travel roads on the body map
i love how you navigate your gps
i love your childlike playfulness
i love your family and their happy, expressive, passionate, emotional, loving ways toward me
i love your kind nature
i love you (beyond all possible measure of this petite, huge word)

i    l o v e    u s
NOTE: After receiving feedback about this poem a few days ago, I finally remembered to let you know that J'aime is not a proper name. It is a contraction of 2 French words - je + aime - meaning I love, or I like. :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

My Community Coloring & Brunch Event 9/18/16

Revolutionary Grounds and I are collaborating to bring you the 1st Tracyville Community Coloring + Brunch Event. It's going down on Sunday, September 18th from 10:00-12:00. Not only will you be able to get your coloring on, but you'll also be able to connect, have fun, win prizes and eat. Come hungry so you can buy the special brunch that Joy (the owner of Revolutionary Grounds), is making for the event. 

Come support a local business, a local artist, and a local community event. It's all about gathering, connecting, having fun, relaxing and eating. I'll also be having a raffle and prizes to win some handmade goodies, so come hang out and support local.  :))))

Buy your "Coloring Packs" (for $6.00) from my shop, so I know how many and what styles to bring. They will be $8.00 the day of the event. Coloring Packs include 2 coloring pages of my original artwork and I will provide crayons. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sunday Vibe : Sunday Funday

In the best campground in the world with: my love, a shared cup of coffee, love in the foreground, the aroma of coffee in the background, the Sunday NY Times and a plate of [real french] croissant crumbs on the sideline, an older, but yummy Ikea catalog for dwelling inspiration, and our biggest decision today - trying to decide what soap flavor to use.

Happy Sunday-Funday, everybody! #stillworkingonthosephotographyskills #irespectphotographers #thispicisnotgoingonmyigpagecuzitswack

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Drawing No. 31 : A Smile Is A Precious Gift...

When you're out in the world living life, doing errands, etc, and you look into a stranger's face, and your eyes meet and they smile -- such a gift in a minuscule moment in time. I  believe this, which is why I wrote and illustrated it. :)

The Word Fairy : Refine

Sometimes fine tuning is necessary. When you look at things that aren't working and you finally arrive at the place where you go "I need to fix this." It could be with regard to your business, your profession, the people in your life, whatever. Perhaps, sitting still is in order, meditating, marinating, doing whatever one does to make a viable plan to refine, or alter the things that need to be remedied. It's going to take time, planning, commitment, focus, and work, but if you've hit the ceiling, that kicks everything into a higher gear, whereupon you will now go do the damn thing.  :)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Drawing No. 30 : Happy Monday Happy Girl Happy Times

That face you have when you try to be calm, cool and collected, even though you want to scream from the mountaintop, because you had an awesomely stellar weekend with your hunny + the fam that feels so familiar, like home and the family treats you so amazingly that you felt like a very loved princess (thus, the crown to her head, haha) in a fairytale world and you tried to stay so present in the moment, so as to digest every drop of the love and goodness that was coming your way. *end mouthful paragraph*  :)

Happy Monday, everybody!

Monday, August 22, 2016

The Writing Files No. 1 : Love Anew

L o v e   A n e w

just what I needed, but didn't think I wanted

carried in on dreamy piscean waters
and ascending out of the blue

and you lit everything on fire

acutely unlike what I had known

you came bearing gifts 
and submitted them to me
the gifts of love, lust, passion, attraction, romance, acceptance, tolerance, respect, understanding, self awareness, accountability, open mindedness, patience, honesty, communication, integrity, silliness, fun, swagger, fire, being present...

and oh, how you have perfected the art of being present in a moment

acutely unlike what I had known

astute knowledge of how to love   ----  me
and flawlessly allowing me to surrender what I haven't given in so, so long

my expired nightmare was one of intolerance, judgement, disrespect, disregard and mockery

and then, there was you

the sweet opposition brought forth to help me erase the dreadful nightmare that was.

sensuality and sexuality residing side by side, like seductive flirting neighbors, with that fervently high goody-good factor. 
oh . my . damn!
2 beings as one, in all things, in all places - in places where 2 should not be 1.

same culture; same sign
similarities unforeseen
what are the chances?

and that instantaneous connection that was damn near too much to bear
oh . my . damn!

shall we continue to play feverishly under the piscean moon and under the...?
we 2, intertwined like we do.
i know you want to,

because oh . my . damn!

Happy Monday, everybody! Here's something to start your week off on a love note. Spread love!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Doodle No. 29 : Love Is [A Loving] Community

When one lives in a few places, both domestic and abroad, one comes to the realization that all places are not created equal. For me, the #1 thing that makes an indelible impression whether good or bad, is the temperament of the people. I have only one known allergy and it is to mean, surly people. That said, this illustration is dedicated to the 520 - Tucson, AZ, the friendliest folks ever! They're not cautious, distrusting, protected, guarded, mean or angry people. They're open, friendly, happy, positive, extremely art conscious (art is everywhere), super community minded and just overall amazing life forces! Love Tucsonans!!! 

Note: A special shout-out to Portland, OR. Both these places were the friendliest I've ever lived. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Upcoming Workshop : Deets Coming Soon

Happy Monday, art lovers! If you are local peeps, living in the Sonoran, I hope you all join me at my upcoming event! It's all about good vibes, good people, good food, 'n good fun! Stay tuned for more info...

Doodle No. 27 : Scorpio

The second girl from my 'Astrology Sisters' series. 10 more signs to go. Eek!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Doodle No. 25 : The Astrology Sisters : Taurus

I've been working on these new drawings called "The Astrology Sisters". I did the original in black and white of course. B&W is so much easier for me - to draw something and then be out - no deliberating over what colors to use, because sometimes adding color can be tortuous for me, but this one seemed to flow.

As soon as I add the first color or two to a new piece, I know if it's going to work out, or not. lol Luckily, this one worked from the beginning. Wish they could all flow like that.  *pipe dream*

PS: It's very true what research says about coloring being VERY relaxing and soothing. It definitely make stress just melt away. More astrology signs coming up. Stay tuned for yours...

Thoughtful Thursday / Random / Que Preciosa!

Couldn't resist sharing this precious Venezuelan, baby girl, because she's just too flipping cute. Though she's mega adorable, she's talking [to the President] about the very serious and dire circumstances in Venezuela and this is what she's saying: 'President Maduro, I am tired of this situation. I don't have water, I don't have food, I don't have medicine, and most of all, I don't have any shampoo!!'

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

Colorful . Happy . Tracyville . Monday!

These 3 colorful graphics are from my most recent stint at coming up with a blog header that resonated with me (the last one was short-lived). While I enjoy their playfulness, colors and typestyle, and almost used one of them, I craved something else. When I finished the lady at the top of the page, she won the competition. Happy Monday, sunny people!

Hello August!

Hold on tight to these 31 days my lovelies, before that nip in the air starts to hit. #shoutouttoallmyeastcoastbaes